Lorann Oils, Select Your Flavor


Super Strength Flavors & Food Grade Essential Oils

What is a Super Strength flavor?  

LorAnn's super strength flavors are highly concentrated flavors designed to withstand the higher temperature demands of candy making, but can also be used to flavor just about anything including baked goods and frosting!  This type of concentrated flavor is also referred to as a candy oil, candy flavoring oil, or concentrated extract. Many of LorAnn's super strength flavors are appropriate for use directly in chocolates, while other flavors are soluble in water.  Solubility is dependent on many factors.

What is a Food Grade Essential Oil?

The essential oils that LorAnn labels as food grade are those essential oils that are approved by a regulation of the FDA (a classification known as GRAS) or appear on the industry approved register of safe ingredients for the flavor industry.  Many essential oils such as peppermint, lemon and orange are commonly used to flavor desserts, candies and chocolate.  Other, more herbal oils, such as thyme and rosemary may be better suited to flavoring savory dishes like soups and stews.  Food grade essential oils are very concentrated and are safe when used sparingly as a flavoring, but should not be ingested undiluted.